company profile
The Group is a contractor principally engaged in undertaking slope works, foundation works and other general building works in Hong Kong. Slope works generally refer to landslip preventive and remedial works for improving or maintaining the stability of slopes and/or retaining walls. Foundation works are generally concerned with the construction of foundations. General building works mainly include the general construction of buildings. Fraser Construction Company Limited, our principal operating subsidiary, is an approved specialist contractor included in the List of Approved Specialist Contractors for Public Works maintained by the Development Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the “Hong Kong Government”) under the categories of “Landslip Preventive/Remedial Works to Slopes/Retaining Walls” with a confirmed status and “Land Piling (Group II)”. Being on such list is a prerequisite for tendering for public sector projects in the relevant works categories. In addition, Fraser Construction Company Limited is registered under the Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as a (i) Registered Specialist Contractor under the sub-register of “Site Formation Works” and “Foundation Works” categories; and (ii) Registered General Building Contractor.
news center

September 26, 2017, Zhejiang United Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Fra …

July 27, FRASERHLDGS issued a notice that since July 26, 2017, Zhejiang …

Joint small and medium enterprises holding group chairman Zhou Ying with financial innovation and highlighting …

80 young entrepreneurs after Zhou Ying: action is the best preparation for entrepreneurship
Human life is limited, but the public welfare business never has a rest. This is Zhou Ying …

Zhejiang Union Small and Medium Enterprises Holding Group Co., Ltd. donated RMB 10 million to set up …

Zhejiang Conservatory of Music held its inaugural meeting
Chairman Zhou Ying donated 100 million yuan to finance the construction of Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, and set up 600 …
contact us
Zhejiang United Investment Holdings Group Limited
Address: Unit A6-D, 12/F., Block A, Hong Kong Industrial Centre,
489-491 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-2336 8878
Fax: 852-2336 8862